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This story is a sequel to Nightmare Carrots

Sometimes the day is beautiful and everyone is excited. Carrot Top, the best pony, has chosen one of those days to overthrow Princess Celestia and become princess of carrots or something like that. There's also her superhot girlfriend Nightmare Moon and two idiots doing their things. Official sequel to Nightmare Carrots that I've done to avoid other responsibilities in my life.

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, on a dark and stormy night… two idiots decided to ship their waifus.

** Language warning **
Contains mild but repetitive, (mostly) uncensored swearing.

This a very, very, very old story that, once written in Polish, after being translated by PoldekPL laid in proofreading hell for years until... We got a bit older and proofread it ourselves. Unfortunately, over the years, the original text got lost while this version was waiting to be published. And since he translated all of it, I post-proofread it again, I'm in it and so is he and our waifus, here it goes.

Additionally, if you go to "carrotmoon" tag on derpibooru, you'll find all of the artwork semi-related to this ship. Which is... two Poldek's drawings and a third one, currently used as cover art. Sadly this ship hasn't sailed yet.

Chapters (1)

Spike orders a How-To guide book to win Rarity's heart. Will Spike be able to follow all the steps like a true gentlecolt? Will any of the steps actually work? And just what is Rarity looking for in her friendship with Spike, anyway?

Image by VanilleCream at DeviantArt (used by permission).

Totally awesome fanart by Multiversecafe found here: http://multiversecafe.deviantart.com/art/How-to-Woo-your-Lady-in-9-Easy-Steps-285329019

Chapters (10)

It had to happen eventually.
...actually, no. No, it really didn't.
Set immediately after the events of Boast Busters, Trixie finds herself in a quandary when she realises that she has left her purse behind in Ponyville. She faces a humiliating walk back into town to pick up her money.
Before she can turn back, however, she meets a magical, sentient pine cone... sigh. Okay. Here's a proposition.
If you can make it to the end of this story without going "what" even once, you win a free internet.

Chapters (1)

There's a lot more going around Fluttershy's cottage than anypony knew. But it might just be time for it to be exposed... or not?

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy lives a normal pony life: Simple needs, good friends, an established reality around her... and so, she starts her day as usual. Until Discord visits. But she has stuff to do.

Warning: Read at your own risk. When I say Random, I mean Random.

Chapters (7)

Scootaloo has discovered something unsettling about the world she finds herself in. Can she figure out what's going on?

Warning: Random.

Chapters (1)

If Derpy tells a story in a burned down forest and nopony's there to hear it does she get a muffin?

Spanish translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/El-zecorax-999961051

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up to an unexpected thought, and now she just wants it to go away. The idea is embarrassing enough: an erotic liaison between herself and Princess Luna. But Twilight's problem runs deeper. She can't ignore this idea, however much she tries. She decides to write it out as a story, to clear the thing from her mind. Now she needs to finish her story quickly – because if she falls asleep before it's done, the Princess of Dreams will get to see that idea for herself.
— Featured on Equestria Daily and Equestria After Dark

Chapters (2)

Celestia has had enough of half-arsed promises from her loyal subjects. It's time to wear a different hat.

Also on: DeviantArt

Chapters (1)